MILESTONE We brought many NEW ADVANCES, QUITE EARLY in this region : • SICS • ECCE • PHACO • LASIK • MODULAR OT • FEMTO CATARACT • FEMTO LASIK • EYE BANK AND KERATOPLASTY & CORNEA SERVICES • DRY EYE ASSESSMENT BY LIPI FLOW / VIEW • RETINA MEDICAL AND SURGICAL AND UVEA • GLAUCOMA SERVISES • OCULOPLASTY , ORBIT, • OCULARIST SERVICES [ AESTHETIC EYE/ ARTIFICIAL EYE] • SQUINT AND PEDIATRIC SERVICES ALONG WIITH ORTHOPTICS • OCT ANGIO • VEP & ERG • TRAINING TO Ophthalmologists and optometrist from INDIA and Abroad • RETCAM For SCREENING of ROP (Retinopathy Of Prematurity) Community Outreach Activity Loss of sight can be the greatest tragedy next to death, yet hundreds of thousands of people in India are suffering from blindness.Participation by the public is the urgent cry in this mission of restoring vision An integral part of raj eye hospital is its community outreach program like screening eye camps, school eye health program, village volunteer program all of which provide different strategies for taking eye care services to the doorstep of the community. They provide curative, preventive and rehabilitative care to the community along with IEC (information, education & communication) program to improve service delivery to potential patients in the community.The very essence of the organization is the outreach or community activities. The hospital began with the motivation and inspiration to serve those people who are deprived of quality eye treatment owing to their economic / geographical constraints. Under this program, the following activities are performed by RAJ EYE HOSPITAL. Rural Eye Services : In this a team of doctors and paramedics goes to various towns and villages in 100 km radius from Gorakhpur. Refraction and basic exam is done by Auto refractor, retinoscopy and ophthalmoscopy, syringing, blood pressure. The patients, advised for operation are selected, counseled for fitness test and surgery in base hospital. They are operated free or at subsidized rate, at base hospital by the latest and most sophisticated technology.. Follow-up of these patients is done after seven days, 1 month and final check-up after two month of surgery, either at the base or vision center, without charge.